This should also work for other distributions like Raspbian, Occidentalis, etc ... which are available as SD-Card image.
First download the Bodhi Linux ARMHF Image from Bodhi Linux
The files are hosted on Sourceforge and are available there:
There are also the md5sums and SHA1 checksums available to check your downloaded files, if the download worked correctly.
On any Linux machine there should be the md5sum command available.
For windows user are also programs like winmd5sum available to do this check. If this check was successful, can extract the *.tar.gz file.
Writing the image to Sd-Card
For windows user there is the tool win32-image-writer available. You can download it from Do not try to drag and drop or otherwise copy over the image without using dd or Win32DiskImager – it won’t work. If this explanation doesn' t helped you, there is a beginners guide on .For the Linux/*nix Users:
Check your devices directory with
$ ls /dev/sd*
Insert your SD-Card to your sd-card slot on your computer.
Then check again your devices directory, the new device (your SD-card) should now be listed as a new entry in this directory. Your first Harddisk is normally /dev/sda, and /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2 for your partitions.
Your SD-Card should be something like /dev/sdb.
We can easily use the old unix tool dd.
The command needs the parameters InputFile and OutputFile and BlockSize.
dd if=image.img of=/path/to/drive bs=1M
Take care to don't mismatch if and of, or take the wrong device-path.
Then unmount the sd-card and insert it to your Raspberry Pi.
Your Raspberry Pi should boot now with Bodhi.
Check my other Tutoria for First Steps after Install
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