[HowTo] Create RetroShare ID on Raspberry Pi
SSH with X-Forwarding into your Raspberry Pi.
ssh -X pi@ipaddress
Download RetroShare Binarys for Raspberry Pi
RetroShare binarys for Raspberry Pi are available at [HowTo]compile-retroshare-on-raspberry-pi or download it from PiShare
Place RetroShare and retroshare-nogui in your home directory
go to your home directory
pi@retropi ~ $ cd ~/
pi@retropi ~ $ ./RetroShare
RetroShare:: Successfully Installedthe SIGPIPE Block
Hashed main executable: a7308a6c6283892a25f5af05986ee8b6a835ab89
retroShare::basedir() -> $HOME = /home/pi
Creating Root Retroshare Config Directories
pubring file "/home/pi/.retroshare/pgp/retroshare_public_keyring.gpg" not found. Creating a void keyring.
Pubring read successfully.
secring file "/home/pi/.retroshare/pgp/retroshare_secret_keyring.gpg" not found. Creating a void keyring.
Secring read successfully.
private trust database not found. No trust info loaded.
No Existing User
getRetroshareDataDirectory() Linux: /usr/share/RetroShareData Directory not Found: /usr/share/RetroShare
Finding PGPUsers
Choose a nickname.
Enter a good, long, unique, new and secure password.
Select a Location Name.
Put a meaningful location for example: home, laptop, server, raspberrypi, etc ...
This field will be used to differentiate different installations with the same identity (PGP key)
Your RetroShare is now available and ready to use.
You can run the GUI directly on LXDE, with VNC or with X-Forwarding.
Done, RetroShare is now working on your Raspberry Pi
haf phun
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