Samstag, 20. Oktober 2012

Install Raspberry Pi images on SD-Card

The Raspberry Pi is supported from several different Linux distributions.
Here is a list of the most available distributions.


  • Bodhi Linux  - derived from Raspbian featuring the Enlightenment Desktop. Enlightenment is a lightweight Desktop Environment but also nice looking

  • Occidentalis - derived from Raspbian, Hardware-Hacking friendly. Comes with support for SPI, I2C, PWM, kernel Modules...


Arch Linux ARM is based on Arch Linux, which aims for simplicity and full control to the end user. Note that this distribution may not be suitable for beginners. The latest version of this image uses the hard-float ABI, and boots to a command prompt in around ten seconds.


The Raspberry Pi can also be used as a Home Theater PC. The XBMC developers were provided with early Alpha Boards to port XBMC to the Raspberry Pi Board and support the Videocore IV GPU.
  • OpenELEC - Open Embedded Linux Entertainment Center, Image Download, distribution only developed for XBMC. Fast running 
  •  RaspBMC - Raspbmc is a minimal Linux distribution based on Debian that brings XBMC to your Raspberry Pi.

Installation with a Linux/Unix PC

  • Download and check the MD5SUM/SHA256SUM from the image after downloading.
  • put the SD-Card into your computer
  • check your actually mounted partitions with "ls /dev/sd*"
  • run the command "dmesg | tail" to see on witch path your sd-card is available. 
  • now there should be the new device available. check it with "ls /dev/sd*" 
  • One thing worth noting though is that /path/to/drive should not include any partition number. An example path would be something like: /dev/sdb 
  • sudo dd if=image.img of=/path/to/drive bs=1M  DD is a tool which reads data from if(Input File) and writes it to of(Output File). Please take care to not mix up the if & of parameters!!!


After writing the image file onto the SD-Card there are two partitions on it. The first partiton /dev/sdb1 is a ~65MB FAT32 partition with the bootloader and ELF and config.txt files, etc ... . The second partition is mostly a ext partition with the root filesystem. But this partition is not as big as the SD-Card size. In Raspbian there is the Raspi-config tool, which offers a possibility to resize and grow the partition to use the whole SD-Card.

There are several partitioning tools available. But i mostly use the Program Gparted.
For this tool are 2 specialised LIVE Distros available.
With these tools it is easy to repartition the SD-Card, and grow and resize the second partition.

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